The Best Time to Add Fertilizer to Your Lawn Before Winter

Now that the leaves are changing color and falling to the ground, it’s time to start thinking about winterizing your lawn. One of the most important things you can do is add fertilizer before the cold weather hits. Fertilizer will help keep your lawn healthy and looking great all winter long! In this blog post, our team at Green Seasons Lawns will discuss when the best time is to add fertilizer to your lawn before winter sets in. We’ll also give you some tips on how to prepare your lawn for the colder months ahead! Learn more and get in touch with us to schedule lawn care in Northland Kansas City and the surrounding areas.


Why Is Lawn Winterization Important?

It’s important to fertilize your lawn before winter because the cold weather can damage the grass. Fertilizer will help keep the grass healthy and looking good all winter long! The best time to add fertilizer to your lawn is in late fall, just before the first frost. This will give the fertilizer plenty of time to work its way into the soil and help the grass survive the winter.


How to Fertilize Your Lawn

Applying fertilizer to your lawn is easy! You can do it yourself with a spreader, or you can hire a professional lawn care company like Green Seasons Lawns. We recommend using a slow-release fertilizer so that it lasts longer and doesn’t harm the grass. Get in touch with our lawn care team to schedule lawn winterization today!


Preparing Your Lawn for Winter

In addition to fertilizing your lawn, there are a few other things you can do to prepare it for winter. First, mow your lawn one last time in late fall to remove any dead grass. Then, rake up any leaves or debris so that they don’t suffocate the grass. Finally, aerate your lawn to help the roots grow deep and strong. Aeration is a process of making small holes in the soil so that air and water can reach the roots of the grass.


The Best Time to Add Fertilizer to Your Lawn Before Winter

Now that you know all about lawn winterization, it’s time to get started! The best time to add fertilizer to your lawn is in late fall, just before the first frost. This will give the fertilizer plenty of time to work its way into the soil and help the grass survive the winter. Be sure to follow the instructions on the fertilizer package so that you apply the right amount. In addition to fertilizing, you should also mow your lawn one last time in late fall, rake up any leaves or debris, and aerate your lawn.

These simple steps will help your lawn survive the winter and look its best come spring! Contact Green Seasons Lawns today to learn more about our lawn care services in Northland Kansas City and the surrounding areas, or to schedule services with us today!